Bahasa Professional is a program to translate documents from English to Indonesian and vice versa. You can translate documents loading them in the upper panel of the interface, indicating the language in which is written using the drop-down menu on the right.
You can order the program to read the text in both languages in a loud voice, by clicking on the text you want to hear and pressing on the "Speak" button. The program will use the speech synthesizer that came with your Windows operating system (Microsoft Sam in Windows XP and 2000, Microsoft Anna in Windows Vista). If Sam or Anna is not installed or properly configured, this feature won´t work.
The program also includes an educational game, Guestword, similar to Hangman, where you have to guess a word by typing letters. Bahasa Professional also has a quick dictionary, that lets you translate single words from a language into the other. Don´t expect to obtain perfect translations. No program is able to perform perfect translations. But, at least, the program can give you an idea of the content of a text.
- It´s an easy to use program to translate from English to Indonesian or viceversa
- It´s not very accurate, as shown in the screenshots